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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pumpkin Decorating Party

My sister and I had an impromptu breakfast get-together this past Saturday morning.  Over our pumpkin pancakes, we were talking about how with everyone's busy lives, it is so important to try and get together with our friends and family.  She was talking about how she had planned to have a few friends over to decorate pumpkins.  I thought the idea was brilliant.

To be honest, I am kind of living vicariously through her.  I just don't think there's any way that I could throw a pumpkin decorating party at this point in October.  And, anything referring to "arts", "crafts", or "DIY" scares many of my friends.  (I promise that we have managed to get past this a little bit).  Anyway, if I have a pumpkin decorating party - it's going to have to wait until November.  I think that will work - more "fall" pumpkins, rather than Halloween decorated pumpkins.  

My sister's pumpkin decorating gathering, included just a few close friends.  She provided the pumpkins and materials, as well as a few snacks and (probably) some wine.  She said it was a lot of fun, and I think her pumpkin's s turned out pretty darn cute!  Check them out below!

There's so many ways to decorate pumpkins, I made my own Pinterest board of favorites of course.  If When I throw my own pumpkin party, I plan on providing spray paint, tacks, studs, glitter, rhinestones, and paint markers (great for detail work and writing).  I also would make sure to include tape (for chevron or stripes)  as well as pre-cut any stencils from my Silhouette machine (so worth it by the way!).

I'll be sure to update every one if I end up having friends over for pumpkin decorating.  That's all for now!

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