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Saturday, August 29, 2015

To cut or not to cut?

This post probably seems so trivial... but, I can't decide whether it's time to cut my long locks or hold onto my long hair a bit longer.  It took me over 3 years to really grow my hair out, and only once I got pregnant did it really start growing.  It's now super-long, a good six to eight inches past my shoulders.  It's thick, course, damaged, blonde, dry, and sometimes unruly.  But, I do love having long hair.  It makes me feel feminine, but it also allows me throw it up in a ponytail or do an intricate braid.

However, all of that being said.  I timed myself when I dried my hair the other day.  Yes, you heard me right, I timed myself.  It took me 26 minutes.  Almost a half an hour!  That is crazy.

So here are my choices... trim it up.  Or chop it off.  Below are a few pictures of what I am considering...

I love the idea of a long, angled bob.

This might be the best cut for me to transition into something
shorter... like the next picture.

I love this, but I think it might be too short for me to do right away!

What do you think I should do?

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