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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July!  My husband and I took a trip to his parent's lake house and enjoy spending time with our families and enjoying the boat parade.  Sadly, we had to say good-bye to our niece who is headed off to college, but I know she will make so many memories and be so successful.  She's super-sweet and very smart, not to mention a talented athlete!  

I know this post is one day late, but I thought it might be fun to share some pictures of our weekend as well as some of Fourth of July nail art (this blog wouldn't be complete with out that, right?)

My hubby and I at the Loop River.
Our little girl playing with the flag.
Fourth of July nail art
More fun at the river...
Fun toes for the Fourth!
One lesson that I learned was not waiting until the last minute to get my Fourth of July outfit!  I wanted to get some of those patriotic shorts at Target... and they had a bunch... but, if you wait until July 1st - not so much.  I ended up buying a size that was ridiculously large, and thought I could shrink them.  I ended up rolling them up  at the waist.  Next year, next year.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you've likely seen my inspiration board.  

On another note, I was very happy with the way that my nil art turned out.  Some advice when painting stars - draw them like you would on paper - lines and all.  Then go back and fill them in.  Try and make sure the triangle points are the same size.  Also, thinning out white polish (if that's the color you use) is also helpful so it's not too gloopy.  

Lastly, my Statistics class is over this FRIDAY!  Expect more consistent content from there on out!
Happy Fourth (& Go TEAM USA!). 

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