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Sunday, June 28, 2015


Hello, Hello, Hello!

I know I've been a little MIA and if you know me, you likely know why.  In the last two months, I have been transitioning into a new role at work, finishing up my Principal's Certificate, and now I am enrolled in a... wait for it.... wait for it... a Statistics class.  Math is very challenging for me so I am reading and studying at least 2-3 hours every night (it's a summer class so it's a bit more intense than the typical semester course).  

My friends and I try and make the best of our study time by drinking Starbucks frappuccinos, and sending each other funny pictures to remind ourselves that it will only last for as long as it's going to last. 

I also find that wearing Lush masks while doing homework seems to help make it a little more enjoyable.  However, that is pretty typical "me". 

So that's what I've been up to - I apologize for the lack of beauty/fashion content, but more will be coming.  In the mean time, I've been posting little bits of life on Instagram.  

Thanks for sticking around!

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