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Sunday, March 1, 2015

My "Blogger" Cards

It's true that when I tell someone that I have a blog, they are not likely going to remember the name of it... let alone the spelling of it!  So,  I scouted out some articles on what to do to get the word out, and I found that if I'm going to treat this "serious" then I need to act like it.  Low and behold came the idea of the "blogger business card".  Honestly, I don't make any money off of this blog, but I truly just enjoying writing about fashion, beauty, etc.  Even if I'm the only one reading this.

Perhaps you are a blogger too, or maybe you're interested in getting business cards for your business... Hopefully, my experience can help you out!

Before I ordered anything, I did some research on fashion blogger's business cards.  I literally just did a search on Pinterest for fashion and beauty blogger business cards.  There were so many!  I decided I wanted to make mine pretty custom, so I went through www.uprinting.com to create my cards.  So, without further ado, here they are!

What do you think?  I wanted them to coordinate with the blog's layout, yet still maintain some simplicity.  It was tricky because I wanted to include quite about of information.  I skipped putting on a QR code because I didn't really care for the look of it, and I'm not so sure how often people really use them?  Of course, after having 250 of these made, my husband (and Google) had suggested getting my own domain.  I'm going to wait a bit before I make any decisions on that.

Otherwise, I can't wait to pass out my very own cards to friends, family, or new people I meet!

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