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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!

I can't believe it's already 2015. What a whirlwind of a year.  Since it's a new year, it's fun to look ahead at what is to come.  I have no major plans, but a few promises to keep to myself.

1. I promise to slow down.  I am so involved that sometimes I move quickly and miss out on the enjoyment of life.  I need to take my time.  Life doesn't need to be rushed, I think it goes fast enough.

2.  Let go.  I want to focus on the most important, pressing parts in life.  Family, first.  Always.  There are a few extracurricular responsibilities I'm involved with that I can let go of (this goes along with the idea that it is okay to say, "No").

3. Follow the 100/0 principle.  The idea behind it is to give 100% to all of my relationships and expect zero in return. There is a great book about it found here.

There are a few other person promises/resolutions I have made for myself as well, but I want to keep this blog post short and sweet.

I wish you all the very best of 2015!

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