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Monday, January 19, 2015

A Great Read, Hands Free

Usually during this time of the year, I don't have a whole lot of time to do any "extra" kind of reading (other than my professional books for work), however - one of my friends posted the following image on her Instagram before the holidays:

I immediately thought, "Yes, this is for me."  I hopped onto Amazon.com and ordered it right then and there.  It came only a couple of days later, and so far it's opening me up to an amazing journey in my personal life.  There are truly some great principles to follow, and it will help me to make the most of my time with my friends and family, while letting go of saying "yes" to everything and not making every task a production.

For more information, you can visit Rachel Macy Stafford's blog on www.handsfreemama.com.


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