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Monday, December 29, 2014

New Format

Happy Holidays!

I'm afraid to admit that I've (once again) neglected blogging a little bit, but I have to share why.  It has to do with the fact that I have never truly been satisfied with my blog layout or design.  So, last night, I decided to stay up until 3 AM, and re-created a newer, more "me" version of this blog.  I have to say, I'm so proud of what I came up with (even if it will always be a "work in progress").  I've never read any blogging how-to books (although I probably should) and I didn't use any used only a little html.  I just Googled, used PicMonkey (one of my favorite photo editing sites), and played around with Blogger until I came up with this format.  I am hopeful with the new format, that you will notice the improved photo quality within the posts (Thank you to my hubby for a new camera lens and a photography class I have set up in January!).  Anyway, I hope you like the “new” Beauty, Blahnik’s, and Beyond, it definitely has me inspired, excited, and full of new ideas for 2015.  

You may have noticed the links at the top of the page, outlining some newer, fresh content!  I can’t wait to include some DIY projects and a "bookshelf" of recommended reading and literature reviews.  For beauty and fashion postings, I also am hoping to feature products from companies some of my friends to represent, include guest bloggers, and hoping (fingers crossed) to use some friends as "models". Finally, I am working on streamlining all of my social media so it is easy to find Beauty, Blahnik's, and Beyond.  The "Contact Me" section has all of this information.  

With the new format, I am going to *attempt* (not making promises!) to do at least 1 post a week.  I know that seems like not a whole lot to those who are in the blogging world.  However, as a mom, teacher, and student, life is very busy.  I don't want to make a promise that I know I won't be able to keep up with (especially since spring time can be so busy!).  With my I-Phone reminders, I plan on typing up my blogs and "scheduling" them to be posted on Fridays (it's so cool that Blogger can do that!).   I do promise to have more frequent postings during the summertime.

So, with that - I'd like to thank you for your continued support throughout my blogging journey.  Please let me know (comment below) if there is something you would like to see in the future or if you have any questions.  

Here is to a great 2015!  

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