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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pink Lokai Bracelet

Many families have been touched by cancer.  Mine included... Nearly every female on my maternal side of the family has had breast cancer, except my mom, my sister, and I.  We've had the genetic testing - it's not in our genes, but it has had huge impacts on us.  Every October, I try to participate or donate to breast cancer research and awareness.

Something I did this year was purchase a pink Lokai Bracelet.  

Image Map The idea behind the Lokai bracelet is leading a life of balance.  The black bead holds mud from the dead sea, the lowest point on Earth.  When you've hit your low's in life, this bead is a reminder to stay hopeful.  The white bead contains water from Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth.  This is the reminder to stay humble.  The other beads are made of silicone, and are usually clear.  For a limited time, the beads are pink.  

I like the story behind Lokai so I wanted to share the message.  You can purchase Lokai bracelets online or in various boutiques.  Mine was purchased from my local Apricot Lane boutique.

Stay hopeful & stay humble!

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