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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Show Me Some Lovin' on Bloglovin'!

Let's just put this out there... I work a full-time job, am a mom. and I am working on a doctorate.  Did I mention that my husband also works out of town four days a week?  I think I do pretty well on this little blog project of mine, all things considered (I should add that I am self-taught in html, photography, and graphics).  This blog is purely just a hobby, but I can't tell you how much excitement I get out of interacting with followers and even just seeing how many hits I get a day.  I really appreciate all of the support and encouragement I have received from friends, family members, colleagues, and even strangers!

Today I wanted to share that I have recently joined Bloglovin'.   You can follow me on Bloglovin' here!  I've added a Bloglovin' button on the sidebar of my blog as well!
 If you've never heard of Bloglovin', it is a website that allows you to follow any blogs that are of interest to you!  See the full description here.

So why did I choose to connect with Bloglovin'?  I think it might be a great way to increase my audience, but also it makes reading blogs from your cell phone or device a lot easier!  You can download the Bloglovin app here.

Again, thank you all for your support.  This blog is definitely a journey and I am looking forward to sharing more with all of you!

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