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Monday, January 5, 2015

Expired Make Up

One of my personal resolutions this year is to simplify.  So, part of that included tossing out old and expired makeup.  Make up, just like food, goes bad.  Below is a great graphic from Alexandra C. over at The Chick Advisor that spells out just how long your make up lasts.

Not included in the graphic are: nail polish (up to 2 years), makeup brushes (up to 1 year), and sponges (up to 1-2 weeks).  I have to admit that as I went through my collection (yes, I would say I have a "collection") it was hard to let go of some of the items - the packaging is just so darn pretty!  I have not gone through my nail polish yet (that will be another day), but I have heard if you keep it cool it will last longer.  For the future, I do plan on keeping better track of my purchases through "My history" on Sephora or dating the make up with a sticker when I purchase it. 

I will say that having less make up to go through is somewhat a relief!  Everything is much more organized, and I can see what I have a lot of (blush and shadow) and not a lot (concealer).  It will help me make better purchases in the future.  Although, I think I'm good for a while...

That's all for now! 

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