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Friday, October 18, 2013

Things That Brighten Your Day

This post isn't necessarily fashion/beauty related, but I still thought it would be fun to put together a little list of little things that can brighten anyone's day and just plain make you feel good.  These are in absolutely no particular order, and feel free to add to the list in the comments section.  

1.  Front row parking.  Need I say more?
2.  When the UPS man/woman comes to the door to deliver you a package.
3.  Receiving a handwritten card for no particular reason in your mailbox (not in your e-mail inbox).
4.  Having (_____________) on a hot, summer day (gelato, ice cream, lemonade, ice tea, a smoothie).
5.  Puppy kisses.
6.  Fresh flowers.  The brighter, the better.
7.  Rolling down all the windows and listening to your favorite song while driving on a nice day.
8.  Facebook notifications!
9.  Freebies... who doesn't like free?
10.  Super-soft socks.

There's plenty more I could add to my list here, but I'll leave it at ten for now.  :)

I hope there is something on this list, or on your own, that has brightened your day today!

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