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Monday, May 23, 2011

Chic Hair!

Lately, I've been getting a lot of inspiration form the movies...  Recently, I was watching the movie, "The Tourist" (but mostly reading my Nook).  Every once and a while something or someone in the movie would grab my attention and I would watch.  Yes, it goes without saying that Angelina Jolia is effortlessly beautiful in this movie.  So, it should come as no surprise that I found Jolie's hair is especially inspiring.  There is one scene that her hair is very chic, yet the style itself is super easy to accomplish.  That, and it's an easy everyday look.

Jolie, from the front view.

To achieve this look:

1. Simply part your hair as you usually do.

2. Leaving your bangs out (if you have them), section your hair off into three parts, two smaller sections on the sides of your head and one larger section on the top of your head.  To make it easier on yourself, I would clip each of those sections.

3. One at a time, pull back the side sections and secure with a bobby pin or clip.  (Note:  When using bobby pins, I have found them to be most useful when you place the pin in the opposite direction that you what the hair to go.)

4.  If possible, use a back combing brush to tease the hair on the top of your head and then smooth out the hair carefully.  Let the hair rest on the top of your head or you may choose to secure with pins.

5.  Spritz your hair with a finishing/hair spray to secure.

Jolie, a view from the side.
You can leave your hair straight and make it very edgy or soften the look with curls beforehand.

Before I sign off, I have to add this photo of Jolie.  I love this take on the half up/down hair style!  This is actually the style Jolie wore to the movie premier of The Tourist - sort of a half french twist.  So pretty!

Okay, I think I got all that movie mania out of my system (unless you have a request)!   Talk to you soon, beauties!

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